Saturday, September 4, 2010


Galatians 5:22 – “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness…”

The goodness found in this verse is the goodness that is expressed in action but at the same time is of the heart.  It is actually very closely related to the kindness I just posted about and the gentleness I will post about later, but I believe goodness to be a bit broader then kindness, however not any greater or lesser in value.
You may have heard it said that “So and so is a good person”, but what constitutes a good person as compared to a bad person?  Most would say that persons actions.  They’re a very nice person, always looking to help others, always does the right thing, they don’t lie, they don’t steal, they don’t cuss, whatever it happens to be.  To most, the more of these qualities they possess, the more “good” this person is…But it’s not a lack of acting badly that makes the person good, it’s the good action from a good heart that makes the person good.
Goodness will flow from a heart that is right.  Proverbs says “Watch over your heart with all diligence for from it flow the springs of life”.  Whatever is in us is what will flow out of us.  What we are filled with, goodness or evil, will show itself through our words and our actions. 
True goodness is expressed in selfless actions.  Someone that is filled with goodness, bearing the fruit of goodness, will not do something for someone simply to profit themselves…A good person will do something for someone else even when there is absolutely no profit or gain for themselves, they just simply do it because it’s the right thing to do.  Some dismiss the idea of doing good for somebody if there isn’t immediate gain, or any gain that they can see, because they’re motives are selfish.  HOWEVER, there is absolutely, 100%, a profit for doing something for someone else even though it may not be seen.  First off, there is the inward satisfaction like “Wow, I just did something that I didn’t have to do for someone else, this feels good”, secondly there will be profit down the road for having a selfless attitude, a heart of goodness, and a lifestyle of giving without immediate reward, in this life and in the next.  It pays to walk in goodness!
It’s all about being a selfless person, just like Jesus.  Jesus was goodness in human form, He did good all the time, every time!  There is contentment and satisfaction in a life of goodness, goodness from the heart.

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