“An Act of Love”
God is love – Should this statement be pushed to the side or deemed just semi-important? No…For this is the foundation of true love, for any of the true love that you and I walk in. God is love – and what is the proof? The proof, that the Father would send His one and only Son into the sinful world, be smitten, beaten, scourged, mocked, crucified and become OUR sin that we would be put back in the place from which we had fallen, that we would be a family yet again, the Father and His children. This is love – No greater love does a man have than this, that he would lay his life down for his friend. He would give up all he had for his friend, everything the man had, his entire life, to save his friend. And so we have our loving Savior, Jesus, who did this for us. Jesus is the perfect representation of the will of the Father, and the Father is love, which makes Jesus love. We must be grounded in this, we must be grounded in Him.
In order to be rooted and grounded in love, we must be walking in it. It takes a setting of our will to love. Chances are we have run into people who are not loving at all but yet Jesus, who is the perfect will of the Father made manifest, said we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. It even takes a setting of the will to love God! Yes, it’s true, we ourselves have to set our will on God to love Him. You may be thinking, “WHAT? I LOVE GOD WITH ALL MY HEART!” But do you act like it all the time? I guarantee there are areas still need working, and if you think there aren’t, you have deceived yourself. What if He asks you to take some time in the morning, get out of bed 30 minutes early and spend some time in the Word, what will you do? At that point, we must set our will to love because fact of the matter is, the flesh doesn’t want to get out of bed and the decision that is made will determine whether you are loving the flesh more or loving God more right at this time – love comes down to single decisions. Now if you don’t choose to get out of bed at that time, God isn’t going to grab his Holy Club and beat you over the head. After all He is love! The reason He asks you to do these things is because He wants you to get closer to Him, He wants to be close to You, He wants to make Himself so real to you like never before. When we don’t choose to act in a loving way towards God, we actually open the door to the enemy because we chose to ignore the prompting of the Holy Spirit. He really cares about you – A LOT! If bad things happen as a result of not following the leadership of the Holy Ghost, it’s not God putting evil on you, it’s the enemy now having access because you chose to step out of line of God’s will, out of His arms of protection.
So, how much are we willing to give to God? Are we willing to love God with all that we have? With our time, our resources, our talents (which are from God), our lives? He doesn’t ask for more than what He has already given. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life”. God gave us all that He had, He gave His Word, Jesus, to pay the price for our mistakes and He sent the Holy Spirit to teach us and lead us and empower us to do His will on this earth. We have all that we need, He’s given us all He has. What are we giving to Him?
Lets make a sincere effort to give more. If you’ve been giving a lot, see if you can increase it. If you’ve been giving little, don’t be condemned or discouraged, turn it around, repent, He is ready to forgive, 1 John 1:9 “If you confess your sin, He is faithful and just to forgive you your sin and cleanse you from all unrighteousness”. Lets make an effort to go all out, or rather, all in, and love with every breath that we take, every action we make, every word we say, every thought we think, all that we have, lets live to love to the fullest!